Linear Space – by Deborah Sibony

Please join us on Wesnesday December 4th  from 6-9 for the opening of:

Linear Space

Deborah Sibony Monotypes

at Levy Art and Architecture,

1286 Sanchez St., SF, CA

visit us at for directions

Deborah Sibony’s work and aesthetic derive in large part from her heritage — North African — and her formative cultural experience growing up in Italy. She starts her prints by traveling into history, memory and imagination; interested in patterns and boundaries, both physical and cultural. What happens when you get near? What crosses over, what is connected and what is repeated? She hopes to reflect transitions and overlapping experiences that give form to the contemporary world and shape our experiences.  Sibony uses a variety of printmaking methods to connect and assimilate a progression of ideas. Deborah uses visceral properties of paint and the power of color to convey the drama of emotions. As the layers change and become more complex, history and memory become part of the conversation. The visual language is primordial, melodic, baroque and industrial.